Can you believe that fall is already here and the bad weather comfortably just settled in? I was really hoping for a few more days of warmth and a little bit of sunshine, but it seems that fall is just following her own agenda, not minding all of us – or is it just me? – still dreaming about summer.
I like to keep things simple when it comes to decorating for fall or any other season and neutrals are the best choice, if you ask me. You can start with a basic set of French decorations that you can use all year round and just add a little bit of this and that every time you need to give your home a chic seasonal look. You’ll have an ever changing decor that you can beautify, personalize, adjust, Shabbify and even reinvent as you wish.
Not to mention you won’t have to spend a small fortune on decorating every time you want to move things around and you’ll be able yo keep your home beautifully and properly dressed for each season.
My basic French neutral decoration set is a mix of lovely things that I collected, beautified (a little bit of white and black paint can make wonders) or even made myself and can be a great starting point that you can adapt to every season:
- French email jugs or French pitchers, French Made painted jars turned into vases or recycled jars with French watercolor labels; or any other vase decorated with a French flair that can hold fresh or dried flowers
- painted and distressed Shabby books
- French crates and boxes, upcycled cardboard boxes or any other boxes that you can paint, distress and transform into lovely decorations
- Shabby candle holders (no, you can never have too many candles around your home) – paint and distress different size candle holders for more diversity
- Essential oil reed diffuser – this is a must if you are an aromatherapy lover, like I am; you can use different fragrances to match every season’s specific aroma
- a book page wreath with French touches can be easily integrated into any French decor
- waterproof French labels, that you can use on everything that you can think of
- French inspired grain sack tin boxes or some French made tin boxes – recycle, recycle, recycle! :); old tins in different sizes and shapes can be easily turned into French made beauties
- French made metal flower pots or French made Terracotta pots
- a large French clock
- a Shabby French table – if you’re feeling adventurous
- dried flowers – I love using lavender and I love adding small drops of lavender essential oil to my dried bouquets; this makes the house smell amazing and even gives the whole French decor idea a more realistic feel … and scent :)
- different sized angel statues ( your sister’s old collection will work just fine :) or some French script angel wings that you can attach to almost everything
The idea of putting together this list of basic French decoration came the other day when we made some custom Shabby French crates for one of our clients.
I really loved how the crates looked after Mr. Dreamy made them and I painted, distressed and Frenchified them, so I thought it would be nice to include them in a chic fall vignette to give you some ideas on how you can easily decorate your home with neutrals this season but to also have a starting point on how to decorate for any other season.
P.S. The French ephemera tags that I used for these crates are hand cut from MDF, are painted, distressed and decorated with decals with some amazing French graphics from The Graphics Fairy. If you love the tags as much as I do, you can soon download them FOR FREE from my blog, as I’m planning on closing my graphics shop from Etsy and make all the graphics available for free to download. So stay tuned, I will let you know in a future post when this option will be available.
So I gathered some of the things mentioned before in my French list as some of the basic decorations. And because I wanted to add something seasonal but I’m not a big fan of the strong colors this season has to offer, I quickly painted some small pumpkins with white acrylic paint. I instantly loved how my fall just turned neutral! :)
You can DIY or transform almost all of the things from the list, I encourage you to make a basic French decoration set for your home, there are so many possibilities that you can work with.
You just have to use your imagination and start with small steps, I’m sure you will be amazed by the final results.
I use decals to (French) decorate almost everything I put my hands on, as I’m sure you already know by now, you can find here all about waterslide decals, this magic paper that will instantly change and prettify your life :)
So this is part 1 of my neutral French decor for fall. What about you, do you love using neutrals when it comes to home decor? If you do, stay tune for more and I’ll show you next time how to also add a splash of color to your neutral fall decor. That’s the best thing about neutrals, they can be adapted to any of your favorite colors and can be easily integrated into any other color schemes or preferences.
You can pin this for later or start working on your neutral French decor for fall right away! :)
Have a great Sunday, don’t forget to smile!
Sharing with lovely people: Shabby Art Boutique | Craftberry Bush | French Country Cottage | The Graphics Fairy | Dwellings – The Heart of your Home | Stonegable | The Winthrop Chronicles | Cupcakes and Crinoline | Knick of Time |
Va vine sa credeti ca toamna e deja aici si ca vremea urata s-a si instalat confortabil? Speram sa ne mai bucuram de cateva zile de vreme calduroasa si un strop de soare, dar se pare ca toamna are deja propriile planuri si nu ne mai baga in seama pe noi toti, cei care inca tanjim dupa vara.
Imi place sa nu complic lucrurile prea tare atunci cand vine vorba de a realiza un decor de toamna (sau unul specific oricarui alt anotimp) si culorile neutre mi se par cea mai buna alegere, daca ma intrebati pe mine. Puteti incepe cu un set de baza de decoratiuni frantuzesti, pe care le puteti folosi tot timpul anului si la care puteti adauga mici detalii, pe ici colo, de fiecare data cand vreti sa dati casei voastre un aer chic, cu un iz specific, de sezon. O sa aveti astfel un decor in continua schimbare, pe care il puteti infrumuseta, personaliza, adapta, caruia ii puteti adauga accente Shabby Chic si pe care il puteti chiar reinventa, in functie de preferinte.
Iar faptul ca nu va trebui sa cheltuiti o mica avere pe decoratiuni, de fiecare data cand vreti sa va adaptati noului anotimp, e un mare plus. In acest fel casa voastra va fi mereu decorata, in concordanta cu fiecare anotimp.
Setul meu de baza de decoratiuni frantuzesti este un mix de lucruri dragi pe care le-am colectat de-a lungul timpului, le-am infrumusetat (un pic de vopsea alba si neagra poate face minuni) sau chiar le-am facut eu, si pot fi punctul de plecare pentru un decor in culori neutre, adaptabil fiecarui sezon:
- recipiente frantuzesti emailate sau carafe frantuzesti, borcane ”French Made”, pictate transformate in vaze sau borcane reciclate, cu etichete frantuzesti; orice alte vaze decorate in stil frantuzesc, in care puteti pune flori proaspete sau uscate
- carti Shabby Chic, pictate si invechite
- ladite frantuzesti si cutii din lemn, cutii din carton pictate sau orice alt tip de cutii [e care le puteti vopsi, antichiza si transforma in decoratiuni frumoase
- suporturi de lumanari Shabby Chic (nu, niciodata nu ai prea multe lumanari sau suporturi de lumanari prin casa :) ) – vopsiti si antichizati diferite suporturi, de diferite dimensiuni, pentru o diversificare mai mare
- parfumant de camera cu uleiuri esentiale – e obligatoriu, daca sunteti indragostiti de aromaterapie, asa cum sunt eu; puteti folosi diferite esente, arome specifice fiecarui sezon
- ghirlanda din pagini de carte cu accente frantuzesti, care poate fi integrata cu usurinta in orice decor frantuzesc
- etichete frantuzesti invechite si rezistente la apa, pe care le puteti folosi pe aproape orice
- cutii metalice frantuzesti ”Grain Sack” sau cutii metalice ”French Made” – reciclati, reciclati, reciclati! :); cutiile metalice vechi, de diferite dimensiuni si forme pot fi transformate in frumuseti cu aer frantuzesc
- ghivece metalice sau ghivece ”French Made” pentru flori
- ceas mare frantuzesc
- masa Shabby French – daca va plac provocarile
- flori uscate – mie imi place sa folosesc lavanda uscata si imi place chiar sa adaug cateva picaturi de ulei esential de lavanda pe florile din buchet; intreaga casa miroase senzational si chiar da intregului decor frantuzesc un aer realistic … si un parfum pe masura :)
- statuete ingerasi, de diferite dimensiuni ( vechea colectie a surorii merge de minune :) sau aripioare de ingerasi, din hartie, pe care le puteti atasa multor obiecte
Idea de a alcatui lista cu decoratiuni frantuzesti de baza mi-a venit zilele trecute, atunci cand am realizat niste ladite Shabby French pentru unul dintre clientii nostri.
Mi-a placut foarte mult cum au iesit laditele. Mr Dreamy le-a confectionat, iar eu le-am pictat, invechit si frantuzit si m-am gandit ca ar arata bine integrate intr-un decor frantuzesc de toamna. Un decor de toamna in culori neutre, dar care poate fi un punct de plecare si pentru alte anotimpuri.
P.S. Etichetele tag-uri frantuzesti pe care le-am folosit pentru ladite sunt taiate din MDF, sunt pictate, invechite si decorate cu decaluri, cu imagini de pe The Graphics Fairy. Daca va plac etichetele, in curand acestea vor putea fi descarcate gratis de aici, de pe blog, deoarece planuiesc sa-mi inchid magazinul cu imagini de pe Etsy si sa le fac disponibile pentru download, pe gratis. Asa ca stati pe-aproape, va anunt intr-o postare viitoare cand va fi disponibila aceasta varianta.
Asa ca am adunat o parte dintre lucrurile mentionate mai devreme in lista cu decoratiuni de baza. Si pentru ca vroiam sa adaug ceva de sezon, dar nu sunt un mare fan ale culorilor tari pe care anotimpul acesta le ofera, am vopsit rapid cu vopsea acrilica alba niste dovlecei. Mi-a placut la maxim cum toamna a imbracat culori neutre! :)
Puteti si voi sa faceti sau sa transformati aproape toate lucrurile de pe lista, chiar va incurajez sa va faceti si voi un set de baza de decoratiuni frantuzesti pentru casa voastra, exista atat de multe variante de la care puteti pleca si cu care puteti lucra.
Trebuie doar sa va folositi imaginatia si sa incepeti cu pasi mici, sunt sigura ca veti fi uimiti de rezultatele finale.
Eu folosesc decaluri pentru a decora aproape tot ce prind, cred ca stiti deja asta, aici gasiti totul despre decaluri, hartia magica care va va schimba si infrumuseta viata :)
Asta-i tot pentru azi, partea 1 din decorul frantuzesc de toamna, in culori neutre. Data viitoare vin cu noi idei despre cum puteti adauga si o pata de culoare alaturi de culorile neutre. Asta-i partea cea mai buna atunci cand vine vorba de aceste culori neutre, pot fi integrate cu usurinta in alte combinatii de culori sau preferinte.
Sa aveti o duminica frumoasa, nu uitati sa zambiti!
Heather Tracy
Oh Diana! What a lovely set of items you’ve created. Thank you so much for encouraging us to invest in a set of French themed decor pieces, then to supplement them as the seasons evolve. Thank you!
Diana / Dreams Factory
So glad you like them, Heather!
I really love the versatility of these decor pieces, there are so many possibilities you can work with.
Botanic Bleu
Wonderful collection and great suggestions for creating a French neutral decor to use all year. Your white painted gourds and pumpkins are the best! Love their bumpy textures…
Diana / Dreams Factory
Thank you so much, Judith!
I’m in love with all things French, so a neutral French decor that can be transformed as needed is a must! :)
P.S. Love your ”French moments”!
Elizabeth (Plant Based Bride)
I love the look! So simple yet effective. I need to put more effort into decorating my home. Right now it;s very function over form! #ShareItLinkParty
Diana / Dreams Factory
Thank you, Elizabeth, sometimes the simplest things are the most effective!
Maybe you’ll start with a small set of decorations that you love and you’ll go from there! :)
Irene Peterson
DIY French inspired Grain sac Tin boxes – Can you print the instructions in English? I do so want to do this! Thank you, Irene
Diana / Dreams Factory
Irene, thanks for your interest! I translated the first part of the post. You’ll find a link to The Graphics Fairy, where I shared the step by step tutorial in English –
Would love to see your project, feel free to link back! :)
Diana, what a wonderful collection! I love the crates..maybe you can make a tutorial on how you painted them? :)
Diana / Dreams Factory
Elena, so happy to see you here! :)
I use the same technique for all my decorations – I paint them in two contrasting colors, I use candle wax between the two colors and some sandpaper to distress the edges/the surface.
You can find here a more detailed tutorial:
Please let me know if you need more details, would love to help! :)