(for 2-3 servings)Ingredients♥ 2 cups strawberries (fresh or frozen) ♥ 1/2 banana (fresh or frozen / use a whole one for a sweeter version) ♥ 1/2 cup milk of choice (add more if too thick) ♥ 2 teaspoons chia seeds
♥ ice cubes (optional, if you don’t have frozen fruits)HOW TO MAKE IT
Blend all the ingredients for a couple of minutes, except for the chia seeds, until you have a creamy and smooth mixture. Pour it into your favorite vintage looking tall glasses, add the chia seeds and wait for a few minutes for the chia seeds to expand. Decorate it with pink straws and fresh strawberries and enjoy your smoothie breaks on a regular basis.
I have only discovered homemade smoothies a couple of years ago, so I’m not an expert. (But I’m slowly becoming one! :) ) I do like to experiment and I encourage you to do that too when it comes to making YOUR OWN perfect & healthy fruit smoothie. Just get creative and combine your favorite fruits, trial and error tasting works every time :) Here is what I’ve learned so far when it comes to smoothies, hope you will find this helpful.
♥ To freeze fresh fruits just wash them real well and put them in ziplock bags into your freezer. For example, I usually put one cup of strawberries into a bag and I know this is for one or two smoothies, depending on what other fruits or green leaves I’m using. For bananas, you can peel them, cut them into chunks and freeze them in portions, whether it is a whole banana or a half one.
What I love most about smoothies is the fact that they are so easy to make. You just put the ingredients in the blender and in a few minutes you can enjoy this magic potion, better and definitely healthier than all the drinks you can find in supermarkets nowadays.
What about you, what is your favorite fruit smoothie? Do you use any superfoods to give it an extra boost of energy? Would love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to leave a comment below.
P.S. For more healthy smoothie recipes, make sure you follow my board on Pinterest
Yummylicious – smoothies, juices & other drinks
Follow Diana / Dreams Factory’s board Yummylicious – smoothies, juices & other drinks on Pinterest.
Linking to lovely blogs: Shabby Art Boutique | French Country Cottage | Anderson and Grant | Craftberry Bush |
Ce mod mai bun de a ne racori, in zilele toride de vara decat un smoothie sanatos si energizant, plin de fructe, lapte de migdale si seminte miraculoase de chia?
Imi place sa nu complic lucrurile prea tare atunci cand vine vorba de un smoothie, asa ca folosesc doar cateva ingrediente: fructe proaspete sau congelate, lapte de migdale sau de soia, pentru o versiune dairy free (fara lactate) si uimitoarele seminte de chia, pe care le iubesc la maxim si pe care le folosesc pentru o super incarcare cu minerale, calciu si omega 3. Se pot folosi si alte superalimente, va dau cateva idei imediat.
Iata de ce aveti nevoie pentru un super smoothie delicapsunicios cu seminte de chia
(2-3 portii)
Mod de preparare
sper sa va fie de folos.
Trucuri & ponturi
Cred ca ceea ce imi place cel mai mult la smoothie-uri e faptul ca pot fi facute atat de usor. Pui ingredientele in blender si in cateva minute poti savura potiunea asta magica, mult mai buna, si cu siguranta, mult mai sanatoasa decat orice alte bauturi pe care le gasim in supermarket in momentul de fata.
Voi, aveti vreun smoothie preferat? Folositi super alimente pentru a adauga o explozie de energie? Mi-ar placea sa va aud parerile, puteti lasa un comentariu mai jos.
P.S. Pentru mai multe retete de smoothie, alte sucuri si bauturi sanatoase, puteti urmari board-ul meu de pe Pinterest.
Yummylicious – smoothies, juices & other drinks
Follow Diana / Dreams Factory’s board Yummylicious – smoothies, juices & other drinks on Pinterest.
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