I don’t know about you, but lilac always gives me such a good energy, with its small (almost) perfect little delicate flowers and its amazing smell. The Shabby Caddy and the painted jars were inspired by one of this beautiful lilac bouquet my mother brought me the other days, because, after receiving it, I immediately felt I needed to make something to hold this beauty. And what better combination than some lilac and some French decorations for our home, right? A match made in Heaven, if you ask me! :)
Nu stiu cum sunteti voi, dar mie una, liliacul imi da mereu o energie buna, cu florile lui mici, delicate, aproape perfecte si mirosul lui divin. Ladita cu maner Shabby Caddy si borcanele pictate au avut ca sursa de inspiratie un astfel de buchet de liliac, pe care l-am primit zilele trecute de la mama, pentru ca, imediat dupa ce l-am primit, am simtit imediat nevoia sa fac niste lucrusoare pentru minunatia asta. Si ce combinatie poate fi mai buna decat niste liliac si niste decoratiuni frantuzesti pentru casa noastra, nu-i asa? O potrivire perfecta, daca ma intrebati pe mine! :)
Mr. Dreamy helped me with this ”vision”, because he made this beautiful caddy from wood, perfect to hold jars with flowers, kitchen utensil or any other things that you want to keep near by. Of course you can make a new caddy yourself or just transform and paint an old one using two contrasting colors, to give it a Shabby Chic look.
Mr. Dreamy m-a ajutat cu ”viziunea” in ceea ce priveste realizarea cutiei, o cutie perfecta pentru borcane pline cu flori, ustensile de prin bucatarie sau orice alte maruntisuri pe care vreti sa le tineti la indemana. Puteti folosi o cutie noua sau puteti transforma una veche, cu ajutorul vopselei acrilice.
I painted the caddy in two contrasting colors, distressed it for a worn look and used decals* to transfer the “Maison des Reves” (House of Dreams) image to the wood. If you like this image, you can download it from HERE.
Am pictat cutia in doua culori contrastante, am antichizat-o, pentru un aspect invechit, si am folosit decaluri pentru a transfera imaginea “Maison des Reves” (Casa Viselor) pe lemn. Daca va place imaginea, o gasiti AICI.
Then I painted the jars with acrylics, distressed them and decorated them with decals*, following the same steps that you can find HERE.
Apoi am pictat borcanele cu acrilice, le-am invechit si le-am decorat cu decaluri, urmand pasii de AICI.
The beautiful French images with vintage frames are some collages I made with amazing graphics from The Graphics Fairy, that are now available for free download.
Frumoasele imagini frantuzesti, cu rame vintage sunt niste colaje cu imagini de pe The Graphics Fairy, pe care acum le puteti descarca gratuit.
Use the painted jars with the caddy or just simple, as beautiful French vases.
Puteti folosi borcanele impreuna cu aceasta cutie speciala sau ca pe niste simple, dar frumoase vaze frantuzesti.
And here are some beautiful colors I ”extracted” in Photoshop from the lilac bouquet. Amazing colors, right?
Si iata si cateva culori superbe, pe care le-am ”extras” in Photoshop, din buchetul de liliac. Niste culori superbe, nu-i asa?
Have a great week-end and don’t forget to smile!
Sa aveti un weekend frumos si nu uitati sa zambiti!
Linking to beautiful places: Shabby Art Boutique | Hometalk | The Graphics Fairy
Featured on Shabby Art Boutique | The Graphics Fairy |
Rosemary and Thyme
Wow. These jars are truly magnificent. You did a spectacular job with their transformation. I love the colors you used. And the caddy is a perfect match.
Diana / Dreams Factory
Janet, thank you for your kind words.
We find so many inspiring things around us, I guess spring inspired me to use these colors :)
Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions
Beautiful! The caddy and the jars! Great job with the image.
Helen Knudson
Loveeee this! How did you transfer the image to the bottles? I'd love to try this. Thanks soooo much!