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Today we have a special DIY, some French Made jars, painted, distressed and decorated with waterslide decal paper.
I think you already recognize the beautiful French images that I have used for this project. YES, they are (again!) from The Graphics Fairy ♥
Once decorated, you can use your jars to add a little chicness to your own home, you can offer them filled with scented and super colorful flowers as a gift to a very special someone.
Or you can add a pastel ribbon and use them as table centerpiece to add a little romance to a vintage wedding.
Here are the step by step instructions of the entire process.
For even a more detailed version, check this collage on YouTube.
Part 1 – contains step by step instructions on how to paint, age and distress the jars
Part 2 – comes with instructions on how to use decal paper to transfer the images
If you want to find more about waterslide decal paper click HERE.
Don’t forget to smile,
I’m linking up to The Graphics Fairy’s Brag Monday!
Whoa cat de frumoase sunt! Chiar sunt curioasa cat de mult iti ia sa faci asta. Cred ca e o munca tare migaloasa. :)
Zi frumoasa!
Dreams Factory
Merci, draga Funky! (asa-ti zic de acum) ;))
Depinde cat dureaza sa se usuce vopselurile, dar avand in vedere ca sunt mai multe etape, dureaza uneori si cateva zile.
E migaloasa, dar asa de ffrumoaaasssa! :)
Zi faina si tie ♥
Whoa! Eu nu prea am rabdare de fel, deci cred ca pana sa ajunga la o forma as arunca cu ele in aer! :)) Treburile astea asa migaloase (desi rezultatele lor imi plac la nebunie) nu-s de mine. :D
Sofia M
thank you for this lovely tutorial. I love your white and black style! ciao
Dreams Factory
Hey, Sofia! Thank you so much, I'm glad you like them!
Ciao! :)
Handmade Ancasiada
Sunt superbe, iar tutorialul este foarte explicit :) Bucatariile noastre sunt in renovare, dar asa planuiam sa ornam borcanele pentru provizii – atunci cand vom ajunge la detalii :) – multumim ca ne impartasesti toate detaliile :) Cand vor fi gata, iti vom arata cum au iesit si ale noastre :)
Dreams Factory
Multumesccc frumos! De-abia astept sa le vad pe ale voasttre!
O zi faina! ♥
Could u tell me if u use the clear or white water slip decal paper and where do u buy it? Thanks and I love all the beautiful things u make.
Diana / Dreams Factory
Diane, thank you so much. I only use the clear/translucent decal paper.
Our shop is selling this type of paper, but only here, in Romania.
I'm sure you can find it online, maybe on Ebay?
Handmade Ancasiada
Nu mi-e clar… cu hartie decal se pot transfera si imagini, poze colorate?
Diana / Dreams Factory
Da, se pot transfera si imagini, atata timp cat au o rezolutie foarte buna si ai o imprimanta laser color :)
Handmade Ancasiada
Multumesc mult pentru raspuns :)
Que magnifique!