I’m happy to share some great and exciting news with you today!
The Simply Shabbilicious Magazine – the 2015 Christmas edition, published by the amazing Kerryanne English is now live and I’ve been featured in it! (inserting happy dance here).
I’m sure you already know Kerryanne, she is the mastermind behind Shabby Art Boutique, a beautiful blog and amazing concept for all things shabbilicious, like she loves to call it.
Do I have to mention that I’ve been following and admiring Kerryanne’s work for quite a while now? And that I would have never imagined that someday I would be featured in one of her amazing magazines? But I have! (more dancing here). And I cannot be happier! :)
This Christmas edition of the magazine is filled with … all things shabbilicious for Christmas, of course :) You’ll find some adorable home decor ideas and inspiration for Christmas, recipes and DIY projects. You’ll also find (a little bit more about me, but also) my special ”instructions” on how you can add your own Shabby Chic touches to almost everything and turn an ordinary item into a chic decorative piece for your home, this Christmas.
But what’s more important – a thing that I’ve found find hidden in the pages of the magazine, when reading between the lines – is how simple things can connect different people around the world with only one thing in common, their love for beauty and aesthetics, in all its forms and shapes. And their courage of following their dreams and doing what they love most.
Come check (and prepare to be amazed by) the Simply Shabbilicious Magazine, you can find the online Christmas edition HERE and more details on how to purchase it on Shabby Art Boutique.
Only 14 days until Christmas, don’t forget to smile,
P.S. Don’t forget that I’m planning on making my all time favorite graphics available for free download. Some are already available to download, other will be soon. See some examples below and check them all here.
Azi revin cu unele dintre cele mai bune vesti din ultima perioada!
A aparut revista Simply Shabbilicious Magazine, editia 2015, de Craciun, realizata de uimitoarea Kerryanne English si … a aparut si Dreams Factory in ea! (dansez un pic de fericire aici)
Cred ca o stiti deja pe Kerryanne, mastermind-ul din spatele Shabby Art Boutique, un blog minunat si un concept uimitor care cuprinde ”toate lucrurile shabbilicious”, asa cum spune ea.
Mai trebuie sa va spun ca urmaresc lucrurile pe care le face Kerryanne de o gramada de timp si ca o admir de tot atat vreme? Si ca nu mi-as fi imaginat vreodata ca vom aparea si noi in superba revista? Dar am aparut! ….. si sunt super fericita! :)
Editia de Craciun a revistei e plina de minunatii Shabby Chic, bineinteles. O sa gasiti niste idei adorabile pentru acasa si multa inspiratie pentru Craciun, retete si proiecte DIY (pe care le puteti face voi). O sa gasiti (cateva lucruri si despre mine, dar mai ales), instructiuni speciale despre cum puteti crea si voi accente Shabby Chic pe aproape orice suprafata si cum puteti astfel transforma un obiect simplu intr-un obiect chic de decor, pentru casa voastra, de Craciun.
Dar, lucrul cel mai important, pe care l-am gasim ascuns intre paginile revistei, citind putin printre randuri, e faptul ca lucrurile simple au o putere imensa de a conecta diferite persoane, din diferite colturi ale lumii, care au in comun dragostea pentru frumos, in diferite forme si aspecte ale acestuia.
Puteti rasfoi revista Simply Shabbilicious, editia online de Craciun 2015 AICI.
Puteti urmari Shabby Art Boutique aici : Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, dar cred ca stiti deja asta! :)
Doar 14 zile pana la Craciun, nu uitati sa zambiti,
P.s. Nu uitati, imaginile colaje realizate de mine de-a lungul timpului vor fi disponibile pentru descarcare gratuita. Inca nu sunt toate disponibile, doar o parte dintre ele, dar vor fi curand. Mai jos gasiti cateva exemple, imaginile le gasiti aici.
Congratulations, Diana! Now even more people will discover your wonderful work. So happy for you! You give such beauty to the world, and you deserve to be celebrated.
Krishna decors
First of all I appreciate you for the beautiful work, house looking very gorgeous and I surprise after seeing such beautiful wall. Thanks for creating and sharing superb information of home decor.
Diana / Dreams Factory
Thank you so much, Krishna!